Wednesday 18 January 2017

Live a Happy Life

"Be happy for a happy future''

We all know that one fact that,
we live once in a life,
but why did we waste our time like we can live long?
why did we make our suppose-to-be-happy-life became isn't?
because we always wrong when making a decision,
we always take a wrong step.
but once you had that terrible memories,
where you wish you can turn back time,
i know you will never make a wrong decision again.
you will be careful from time to time even the slightest thing.
because you know how hard it is to recover for what your wrong doing,
to be perfect.
you will reflect your wrong doing again and again.
remember this quotes 
"Everyone is imperfect, but your hard work will makes you be perfect"
keep that in mind,
and always think positive,
cause that is where it begin.