Thursday 9 February 2017


" weird but attempting "

many young kids around my age, especially girls, 
love fangirling about others dimple,
back then when i was still 11-12 y/o,
lots of my friends told me that having a dimple is weirdo,
but now its different.
and i have to admit, that even me, love people with a dimple.
i think that they are cute,
because me also have a dimple, so why not praise myself when i can isn't it?
but here goes something i want to tell,
you dont have to be jealous about their dimple,
even though dimple makes people attractive,
but there is also something interesting about you,
either your speciality or personality.
Everyone have their own thingy.
and it takes time to you actually know it,
keep on trying new things,
and eventually you will find it.
and believe me you are attractive as you are.
you will find your own love with your own personality.
dun wurry, be huppy. 

credit: wafa